Looking for a fun, educational activity to reinforce Bible knowledge for kids, students, or church groups? Download this free set of 9 Bible word search puzzles covering a variety of Bible stories, characters, and themes from both the Old and New Testaments.

These Bible word search puzzles are perfect for Sunday school lessons, homeschooling, vacation Bible school, or just an enjoyable way to spend some free time while learning more about the greatest book of all time – the Holy Bible.
Bible Word Searches
This collection contains 9 different Bible word search puzzles, each with a title indicating the specific Bible story, character, or theme it covers.
Every puzzle includes at least 16 words to find, related to the scriptural topic.
The words are pulled directly from the relevant Bible passages, providing a great way to familiarize yourself with important names, places, objects, and concepts.
Topics include beloved stories like:
- Creation (Genesis 1)
- Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6-9)
- Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22)
- The Conquest of Jericho (Joshua 6)
- David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
- The Nativity (Luke 2)
- The Wedding at Cana (John 2)
- Pentecost (Acts 2)
- The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21)
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Downloading Bible Word Search Puzzles
The Bible word search puzzles are provided in both PDF and PNG formats. Simply download, and print, and you’re ready to play! Answer keys are included below.
All downloads and printables on Our Happy Corner are for personal and classroom use only. They are not to be redistributed, altered, or sold.
Bible Word Search Puzzles
Creation (Genesis 1)
This word search covers the foundational story of God’s creation of the heavens, earth, light, vegetation, living creatures, and ultimately humans in His own image.
Words include God, heaven, earth, light, darkness, waters, dry land, trees, sun, moon, stars, sea creatures, and beasts – highlighting the six days of creation outlined in Genesis 1.

The Flood (Genesis 6-9)
Focusing on the account of Noah’s obedience in building the ark and surviving the global flood, this puzzle features words like Noah, righteous, ark, gopher wood, cubits, flood, rain, fountains, deep, olive leaf, raven, dove, covenant, and rainbow from Genesis 6-9.

Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22)
One of the most dramatic testaments to Abraham’s faith, this word search depicts his willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac at God’s command, though ultimately providing a ram substitute.
Words include Abraham, Isaac, son, wood, fire, burnt offering, lamb, ram, thicket, Moriah, oath, blessing, nations, and obedience.

The Wedding at Cana (John 2)
Highlighting Jesus’ first recorded miracle, this puzzle contains words like Cana, Galilee, marriage, wine, water pots, stone, servants, bridegroom, manifested, glory, disciples, and mother from the John 2 narrative.

David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
One of the most famous underdog stories, this puzzle focuses on the iconic battle with words like Philistine, Goliath, Gath, armor, shield, javelin, sling, stones, brook, shepherd, lad, defied, armies, uncircumcised, and victory from 1 Samuel 17.

The Conquest of Jericho (Joshua 6)
Depicting the miraculous battle of Jericho, words include the city name Jericho, wall, compassed, seven, rams’ horns, trumpets, shout, fallen, Rahab, spies, scarlet thread, and references to its utter destruction per Joshua 6.

Pentecost (Acts 2)
Depicting the explosive birth of the Church, words include Pentecost, disciples, wind, rushing, tongues, fire, filled, Holy Spirit, languages, dwelling, mocked, drunken, prophesy, visions, and wonders from Acts 2.

The Nativity (Luke 2)
Covering the account of Jesus’ birth, words include Bethlehem, manger, swaddling cloths, shepherds, angels, heavenly host, glory, peace, stable, Caesar, taxed, Joseph, Mary, child, firstborn, and Savior straight from Luke 2.

The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21)
The final puzzle covers the prophetic vision of the everlasting heavenly city. Words include holy city, New Jerusalem, bride, husband, glory, light, precious stones, tree of life, river, throne, tears, and victorious from Revelation 21.

Bible Word Search Solutions
Answer keys are included below to allow flexibility in using these Bible word searches as an open learning experience.
Refer to them for assistance if stuck, let students self-check their work, or utilize them as a reference to discuss any missed words or concepts.

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Whether incorporated into a church or Sunday school curriculum, used as a supplement to your personal or family devotions, or just looking for an entertaining way to reinforce biblical literacy – these free Bible word search puzzles are an excellent resource.
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